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8개의 좋아요
Fichte was the first to seize upon this new privilege and make vigorous use of it; Schelling was at least his equal in this, and soon they both were overtaken by a host of hungry scribblers devoid of both spirit and honesty. Still, it was Hegel who ultimately showed the greatest audacity in dishing out pure nonsense, slapping together senseless, raving tangles of verbiage such as had only ever been heard in lunatic asylums; he became the instrument of the most ponderous, universal mystification that the world has ever seen, and this with a degree of success that will seem utterly incredible to posterity and will remain a monument to German foolish- ness (WWR 456)
2개의 좋아요
“헤겔은 헛소리꾼이다“라는 말을 이렇게나 공들여서, 수사적으로, 장황하게 하다니, 쇼펜하우어, 그는 도대체…
3개의 좋아요