Convictions feel certain. But not everything we feel certain about is a conviction. I don't need conviction for anything I'm absolutely or logically certain about. When René Descartes declared he was certain that he thinks and exists (popularly, but erroneously, understood as the inference "I think, therefore I am"), he meant he couldn't actively doubt he was thinking at that moment — because doubting is thinking. But it would be odd to say this was Descartes's conviction. Indeed, the interesting thing about convictions is that they are often formed in the face of opposite convictions. Unlike logical certainties like 2 and 2 make 4, or philosophical certainties like Descartes's belief in his own existence, we generally know that others may oppose our convictions. We are aware that our convictions can be doubted and challenged, even if we ourselves just cannot imagine that they are false.
이 지문에서 'I don't need conviction for anything I'm absolutely or logically certain about.' 한글 해석이 '나는 내가 절대적 혹은 논리적으로 확신하는 어떤 것에 대해서든 확신이 필요하지 않다.'라고 되어있습니다. 근데 이 부분에서 conviction과 certain 모두 '확신'이라고 해석을 한 것에 대한 의문이 듭니다. conviction을 신념, certain을 확실이라는 단어로 해석을 하는게 더 맞지 않나라는 생각이 드는데 다들 어떻게 생각하시는지 궁금합니다!
The poet Ralph Waldo Emerson famously noted that nothing good was ever
achieved without enthusiasm—and, one might add, nothing bad was ever
accomplished without it either. By “enthusiasm” here, Emerson presumably
meant more than just joyful participation; he meant a motivating emotional
commitment to what matters to us. That’s a good approximation of what we
mean by “conviction.” Convictions are the wellsprings of action but the offspring of doctrine.
As any demagogue can tell you, to galvanize voters it
helps to appeal to an ideology—namely, one people can identify with. What
matters is getting voters to go beyond mere belief to total commitment.
This is why there is an emotional component that comes along with
conviction—what we call the “feeling of conviction.” When directed at
something you also believe, it is the feeling of self-confidence. It is a good
feeling. It is good to be right, but it is also good to just feel as if you are right.
That’s why, for those of us worried about the fragile state of democracy, the
old Yeats line still resonates: the “best” are often filled with self-doubt,
while the worst are filled with the passion of conviction.
And it is also why it is important to understand why our convictions form in the first place.
그리고 이 지문이 Lynch의 Know-it-all Society에서 발췌된 내용이라는 것을 알려주셨는데,
conviction = 열정 = 우리에게 중요한 것에 감정적인 헌신을 하게 함 = feeling 갖고 있는 믿음 = 정치적 감정을 유발하여 사람들을 동원
certain = 논리적인 것 = feeling 없음
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