진리의 두루마리

이게 그 분석철학하시는 분들이 포복절도하는 밈이라고 해서 훔쳐왔습니다

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아 보고 혼자서 엄청 웃었네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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흔히 비트겐슈타인이 『논리-철학 논고』에서 현대적인 진리표 개념을 발명하고 퍼트린 것으로 알려져 있잖아요. 이렇게요.

Wittgenstein supplies, in the Tractatus , a vivid presentation of Frege’s logic in the form of what has become known as ‘truth-tables.’ This provides the means to go back and analyze all propositions into their atomic parts, since “every statement about complexes can be analyzed into a statement about their constituent parts, and into those propositions which completely describe the complexes” (TLP 2.0201). (Ludwig Wittgenstein (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy))

It has been suggested that Russell and or Wittgenstein arrived at a truth-table device in or around 1912 [Shosky 1997], and that, since the history of its development is so complex, the best one can claim is that theirs may be the first identifiably ascribable example. However, Charles Peirce had, unbeknownst to most logicians of the time, already developed a truth table for binary connectives of his algebra of logic in 1902. (Irving Anellis, “The Genesis of the Truth-Table Device”, p. 55)

그런데 진리표를 던져버리다니... 20세기 분석철학의 역사를 성립시킨 보물을 던져버린 거네요. 저 표에 말할 수 있는 것의 한계를 규정할 가능성이 있거늘... ㅂㄷㅂㄷ

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