Richard Polt의 『Heidegger』 제2판이 나왔네요

Heidegger provides a lively and accessible introduction to one of the most influential and intellectually demanding philosophers of the modern era. Covering the entire range of Heidegger's thought but focusing on his key work, Being and Time, Richard Polt skillfully guides readers through the texts using clear examples and vivid language. This second edition features biographical insights, illuminates Heidegger's intellectual development, and orients readers to his most important and influential writings.
Polt has thoroughly revised the text, enriching and updating his interpretations with major primary and secondary sources published since the first edition was released in 1999. A new discussion of Heidegger's entanglement with Nazism draws on the philosopher's lectures, seminars, and journals. Engaging and thought-provoking, Heidegger invites readers to learn to swim in the often turbulent waters of Heidegger's questioning of Being.

얼마 전에 여기서 추천받은 적 있던 책인데, 오늘 검색해보니 제2판이 나왔군요. 초판을 안 읽어봐서 그것과 비교해서 어떨지는 모르겠지만 곧 읽어보려고요.

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