ChatGPT에 철학책 독해에 관해 질문했더니

이렇게 답변이 나왔네요. 상당히 제너럴한 내용이라 다들 아실 것 같지만 AI가 이 정도 수준의 답변을 제공할 수 있다는게 충격적이네요. 이런 무시무시한 툴이 있었다니... 조금 복잡한 철학적 질문을 해도 저보다 더 글을 잘 쓰는 것 같아 웃프네요...

이런 글쓰기 기계의 등장을 어떻게 생각하시나요?

Reading philosophical texts that are abstract, abstruse, and complicated can be challenging, but there are several strategies you can use to make the process easier and more rewarding. Here are some tips:

Take your time: Philosophical texts are often dense and complex, so it is important to read them slowly and carefully. Don't rush through the material, but take the time to reflect on each idea and argument before moving on.

Break it down: Break the text down into smaller sections, and focus on one section at a time. This will make the material more manageable and help you to understand it more deeply.

Define key terms: Philosophers often use specialized language and terminology, so it is important to define key terms as you encounter them. This will help you to understand the arguments and ideas more clearly.

Look for connections: Philosophy is a discipline that is concerned with the interconnectedness of ideas and concepts. Look for connections between different parts of the text, and try to understand how the arguments and ideas fit together.

Read secondary sources: Reading secondary sources, such as commentaries or introductions, can be helpful in providing context and background information that will aid in your understanding of the text.

Take notes: Taking notes can help you to keep track of key ideas and arguments, and make it easier to remember the material later on.

Discuss the text with others: Discussing the text with others, such as classmates or a study group, can be helpful in gaining different perspectives and insights on the material.

Remember that reading philosophical texts can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. By taking the time to engage with the material in a thoughtful and deliberate way, you can gain a deeper understanding of the ideas and arguments at the heart of the philosophical tradition.

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언젠가는 철학도 AI에게 배워야 하는 날이 올 거라고 생각합니다. 다만, 저는 현재의 ChatGPT의 능력을 그다지 높이 평가하지는 않아요. 조금만 전문적인 주제를 물어보면, 굉장히 뻔하고 원론적인 대답만 하더라고요. 비트겐슈타인의 정적주의, 브랜덤의 추론주의 등에 대해 몇 번 질문을 던져 보았는데, 마치 학부생이 내용을 제대로 이해하지 못한 채 어디서 주워들은 단어들만 가지고서 쓴 듯한 글을 생산해서 조금 실망했습니다.

*그래도 ChatGPT가 저보다 영어 작문을 훨씬 잘한다는 점은 좀 부럽긴 하더라고요.

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